While mainstream Japanese culture has often been considered conservative in the eyes of the world, with many of its citizens unwilling to stray from societal norms, performance artist NUGA has gone the opposite direction, grabbing every sacred tradition by the throat and forcibly moulding them into their own sense of twisted avant-grade beauty. NUGA is an enigma, an otherworldly manifestation in the creative sea of Tokyo. In recent years, the performance artist has been pushing the limits of taste and decency through their sensual styling, elegant makeup and iconoclastic live shows.
A mainstay in the performance arts, NUGA has regularly put on epic shows in the underground art scene of Tokyo; countercultural affirmations that play with concepts of sex, human nature, drag and liberation. While “queer” has been a term used to describe such personas and events, NUGA has unequivocally shied away from such classification. For NUGA individuality, creativity and one’s own sensibilities are all that matter and no one is going to put them in a box or tell them what to do.
The GATA team recently had the pleasure of meeting the artist in person, sitting down to talk to about their fascination with BDSM, the influence of Gaga and McQueen and their aversion to being a LGBTQ+ hero.
GATA: Hello Nuga! Thank you for your time, can you please introduce yourself to the audience of GATA Magazine?
NUGA: Nice to meet you, I'm NUGA. I occasionally do shows as a performance artist. I also do styling and makeup to show off what I consider to be beautiful in the world.
GATA: Nuga is a luxurious, avant-garde, and liberated persona. Are Nuga Toryfierce and Daisuke Fujiwara two different identities, and if so how do they differ?
NUGA: NUGA is like a persona born out of my self-loathing, who sees myself in the flesh, saying what she wants on my behalf. I have several other characters too, but to be honest, I want to live a theatrical life, so I think it's better to have many characters. Sometimes I don't even know who I really am, but I feel like that's the goal.
GATA: You are such a multifaceted person: a makeup artist, fashion designer, performance artist, model, etc. How did all of this start?
NUGA: I lose interest in different platforms of expression easily, but when I’m bored at home and another medium is proposed to me, I just feel like trying it out. It's not that I paint because I like painting, it's more like I have something to express and in front of me is a canvas, so naturally, I just start to paint. Whether I was a businessman or a gardener, it doesn’t make any difference in the act of communicating my essential self.
“NUGA is like a persona born out of my self-loathing, who sees myself in the flesh, saying what she wants on my behalf. I have several other characters too. Sometimes I don’t even know who I really am, but I feel like that’s the goal.”
GATA: In previous interviews, you have said that although you always loved fashion you weren’t allowed to express yourself freely when you were younger. What inspired you to go against conventional norms and be yourself?
NUGA: Compared to when I was younger, I don’t have as much of a rebellious spirit. If anything, these days I try not to rely too much on style and make-up to define myself. Anyone can wear flashy clothes and makeup to stand out these days.
GATA: Your shows are like movies. You play with explicit and implicit messages, freedom, sex, human nature, drag makeup, dance, and couture. When did you start to have a liking for performance arts, and what’s the message behind every show?
NUGA: I started doing shows five years ago when TAP—an organiser of a party called FancyHIM—asked me if I wanted to do a show. I've always been someone who tends to perform a lot of different things since I was little, and I've always been a performer. The message of the show is up to the audience to decide for themselves. In this day and age, when we are under pressure to be "realistic" about things, I’m always conscious of the fact that it is not bad to exaggerate and make yourself feel good, whether it is fake or not.
GATA: You’re very involved in the club culture of Tokyo, so the peak of the pandemic must have felt bleak for you. What were you doing when everything was shut down?
NUGA: I spent half of my time hiding out in London, and after I came back to Tokyo, I worked several part-time jobs trying to let loose and lose my mind as much as I could, because the world had gone insane. I hadn't been to a club for two years until summer 2022, which was the first time since corona started. I think clubbing is actually a very sane way to have fun; you catch up with people you know, and then you're brought back to reality. In fact, I hated the whole situation so much that when I went back to clubbing, I went to almost every party with a rubber mask on my head.
GATA: As a queer artist, what would you like to see more in Tokyo’s LGBT+ community and its spaces and parties?
NUGA: I don’t have any special feelings towards being gay, and I sometimes even feel frustrated when I’m labelled as a “queer artist”. I’m just a human being who likes men and dick, but when people say things like “It’s an anthem for gay people”, I feel like I’m not only singing their praises.
I don’t want to give or be given anything from anyone.
“I lose interest in different platforms of expression easily. It’s not that I paint because I like painting, it’s more like I have something to express and in front of me is a canvas, so naturally, I just start to paint.”
GATA: You mix a lot of BDSM culture in your fashion and art. What introduced you to the subcultures of kink?
NUGA: I've always been hentai, so it's a natural progression. Apart from the fact that I get pleasure from sex and BDSM, I love the fact that I can take off my masks and armour and communicate physically in a real way. I may like BDSM in particular because it makes it easier to forcibly peel off that armour.
GATA: You have mentioned also that McQueen and Lady Gaga changed you. Currently, who are your inspirations?
NUGA: As for fashion, I have always liked brands from when I was most passionate about fashion from junior high school to high school, and I have continued to wear brands such as KTZ, PHENOMENON and Nasir Mazhar from that time to the present. I feel like I'm clinging to them simply because that was the era when my sense of style was at its most beautiful. McQueen and Galliano gave me a sense of drama, not just in terms of style but in everything.
It’s kind of difficult for me to do an interview like this because I’m not feeling artistic vibes now, so I’ll use this as a good chance to list some of my favourite things recently. As for music, I've been listening to Soft Ballet, Buck-Tick and other old V-Kei for the past year. I don't really know much about music, but I like it as background music.
The books I've enjoyed reading recently are Far North by Marcel Theroux, Seitoku by Ryo Asai and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. I've been reading Dorian Gray for a while now, and it's been interesting to get into Sir Henry as well as Dorian but Poe's Raven is my favourite book because of the beautiful illustrations from Gustave Doré.
It’s figure skating season; some of my favourite skaters include Tatsuki Machida, Miki Ando, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and Jonny Weir. From the moment I saw all of them perform, I knew I was going to see something amazing just by looking at how they posed from the start.
ファッションは自分が中学〜高校らへん1番熱量が高かった頃のブランドがずっと好きでKtzとかphenomenon 、Nasir mazharとかは当時から今まで着続けてます。
音楽はここ1年softballet,bucktick,by sexualらへん昔のV系をよく聴いてます。
マーセルセロー : 極北
浅井リョウ : 正欲
オスカーワイルド : ドリアングレイの肖像
エドガーアランポー : 大鴉
町田樹 : ワールド2014 SP
安藤美姫 : 全日本2008 FS
テッサスコット組 : 平昌五輪2018 FD
ジョニ子 : スケアメ2008 EX
GATA: Can you tell us about your brand GLAMHATE, and the story behind it?
NUGA: GLAMHATE was created as a means of expression, but now that I have a live show—something I’ve envisioned since I was little—I haven’t worked on it that much because of a lack of power.
This video of that show will tell you all you need to know but EDEN COMPLEX is still with me.
ですがEDEN COMPLEXがまだわたしの中に残り続けています。
GATA: What’s your creative process in curating a performance?
NUGA: I spent the whole morning and night thinking about who I am and what is beautiful and what is not beautiful, and I couldn't come up with an answer, so I ate Sukiya, had sex and put rhinestones on my costumes. I can't remember much about the show because I do everything by myself, so I'm often under a lot of pressure.
GATA: What are your visions for the future and your upcoming projects?
NUGA: I'm not good at seeing visions, dreams and hopes, not at all. If I had to say, right now I’d like to help the underrated people that I admire shine. I also think I have to work on my social life. I haven’t met any of the people that I should have met before I die, out of pure laziness.
GATA: What’s your favourite spot in Tokyo you go to get inspired?
NUGA: I like my house so much that I often stay at home, or I’ll go to Wahgwaan Cafe, a place run by one of my friends, who I haven’t seen in six years. Sometimes I go to Tokyo Sun Marine, a tropical fish shop, and watch the Edogawa River or go to a gay bar, find a private room and pass out to the background music of moaning voices.
家が好きすぎて基本家、6年ぶりにできた友達がやっているwahgwaan cafe、たまに東京サンマリンという熱帯魚屋にいきつつ江戸川をながめる、もしくは発展場いって個室で喘ぎ声bgmに爆睡です。
GATA: Any word of advice for the next generation of artists?
NUGA: I don't mean to be presumptuous, but I’d say, aren't you consuming yourself too quickly? I think so.
When I talk to young people, they usually have some kind of name on the street, they're doing rap, graphics or branding, but they're not really going anywhere, and there's no one I don't understand.
Maybe it’s because social media exists from the very beginning of the aesthetic being formed, maybe because everyone is cool at the same time, but I just don’t feel anything challenging, any twists or turns. It's a pity that we are shown a lot of examples of the right answers from the very beginning, as if, no, someone else is already running at the end of that rail. In that sense, I want to say that no matter how old I get, I'll always be a bit confused myself, I don't want anyone to understand me, I'm trying to fulfil my mission somehow.