For drag queens, femininity is a concept to be parodied; a tool for their own self expression. With their overblown demeanor, adorned in beautiful dresses and high heels, drag queens often have audiences eating out of the palm of their hands.
The birth of drag queens in Japan dates back to the early 1990s, when many of them first started to enter gay clubs and parties. By the mid 90s, Japanese drag queens began to make an impact overseas, with such landmark occasions as the legendary “Diamonds Are Forever” event produced by Simone Fukayuki and an introduction to drag culture by Ogura Tou AKA “Margaret”. Lip-synching to the songs of gay icons, they controlled the atmosphere of each room they performed in, becoming indispensable members of the gay club scene.
女性性のパロディ、自己表現の実践を行うドラァグクイーン。ハイヒールやドレスを身に纏った姿で大仰な態度を見せる彼女たちに、観客は食いつく。日本のドラァグクイーン誕生の起源は90年初頭、ゲイクラブやパーティーで多くみられるようになったという。シモーヌ深雪がプロデュースした、当時伝説とも呼ばれるイベント『DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER』が開催されたり、マーガレットこと小倉東がドラァグカルチャーを紹介したりと、さまざまな動きが見られるなか、90年半ばに、日本のクイーンたちが海外へと進出し始める。ゲイアイコン的存在である歌手の曲でリップシンクし、その場の空気や人々までもを制する彼女たちは、いつしかゲイのクラブシーンにおいて必要不可欠な存在へとなったのだ。
Vera’s Mum Dragqueen
GATA magazine caught up with Vera Strondh, a 23-year-old queen, at the popular gay party “VITA” to find out the true reality of the world of drag. We were allowed exclusive, behind the scenes access, to discover a world that very few know about.
そんな魔物のような生き物でもあるドラァグクイーンの世界とは、一体どのようなものなのだろうか。GATA MAGAZINEは、Vera Strondhと呼ばれる23歳のクイーンに密着。3月20日に行われた人気ゲイミックスパーティー『VITA』に潜入。誰も知らないであろうドラァグクイーンの舞台裏に立ち入ることを許された。
Vera is only where she is today thanks to her friends at Eagle Tokyo—a gay bar in the “Ni-chome” district of Shinjuku, Tokyo, where she now works—and also the influence of her drag mother and father.
“When I was a college student, I had a rough life that you would never guess from the person that I am today. The main source of stress back then was caused by violence from my dad. My dad kicked me out of the house, I dropped out of college, I was depressed and on medication. I had no friends and no family to talk to…The tattoo on my wrist was to hide my self-harming behavior at the time. I was lost on the streets and had nothing to do besides resorting to smoking, drinking and going out in Ni-chome.”
今のVeraがいるのは、今働いている二丁目のゲイバーEagle Tokyoの仲間たちと、私のドラァグマザーとファザーのお陰。大学生の頃は、今の私からは想像できないほどの荒んだ生活を送っていたの。当時の主なストレスの元は、お父さんからの暴力だった。お父さんから家を追い出され、大学を退学、鬱病を患い薬を飲んでいたけど、相談できる友達も家族もいなくて......。手首に入ってるタトゥーは、当時の自傷行為を隠すためでもある。路頭に迷って、タバコやお酒に頼ったり、二丁目に行くことしかすることがなかったんだよね。
“One day, I was having drinks at Eagle Tokyo, as I always did, when Sigel—the manager of Eagle suddenly thrust a feather duster at me and said ‘You’re going to start working here today.’”
“I started working at Eagle, as a member of staff, first cross-dressing as a promoter for the bar. That’s how I met Victoria, who is now my “drag mother”.” She said, “Since you can dance and you have stage experience, why don’t you take drag seriously?” “At that time RuPaul’s Drag Race was gaining popularity and I thought ‘Maybe being a drag queen could be a career’. I took up the challenge, from a cross-dressing cleaner, to bar promoter, to finally a queen, I felt at last, I had found myself.”
ある日、今まで通りEagle Tokyoでお酒を飲んでいた時、シゲルというEagleのマネージャーが突然、私にダスターを突きつけてきたの。私は「え?」と驚くと、シゲルは「あんた今日からここで働くよ」と言ったの。それからEagleスタッフとして働き、最初は女装の姿でバーの呼び込みをしていた。そこから、今のマザーであるビクトリアに出会ったの。マザーは「あなた踊れるしステージの経験あるから、ドラァグクイーン真面目にやってみたら?」と提案してくれたの。ちょうどその頃、ルポールのドラァグ・レースが人気になっていて、「もしかしたらドラァグクイーンって仕事になるのかも?」とチャレンジしてみたの。掃除女装から呼び込み女装、最終的にクイーンになって、やっと自分を手に入れたと感じた。初めてのショーでは、お客さんからは「新しい人が出てきた!」と良い反応をもらい、周りもクイーンを続けるべきだと言ってくれた。そこから色々なイベントに出演させていただいて早2年が経過してる。
“In Japan, there is a culture of seniors and juniors in the drag culture, and I think there are times when it must be observed. I think it is all right as long as I don’t distort things.”
“My drag mother and father are like my real family, that allow me to do things that I couldn’t do with my own father. When I was in college there was a period, when I couldn’t return to Japan for a month, because my dad took away my cell phone and passport. The day I finally made it back home, I was at Eagle that night with everyone and my drag mother asked me if I was okay. I told her everything, saying ‘Actually, I’m not okay.’ Looking back, I think I was drinking so much at that time, that I could have died at any moment. I gave up on everything.”
“My mother said to me ‘from today, I’m your mother. She then told me about ‘Veronica’, which was her ‘working name’ at the time, and said ‘don’t use that name, it sounds like an old lady. Just go home today, drink some water, and relax. And when you come back tomorrow, give me your new name.’”
“I did as I was told and for the first time in a long time, I took a break from drinking. I began searching for a name that began with the letter ‘V’—just like my drag mother’s name ‘Victoria’—and that also had a catchy ring to it. At that time I had some coconut oil and aloe vera and I was about to put away the aloe vera, when I thought ‘Vera sounds great!’ The next day, I met my mother and told her my new name and she said ‘Okay! You’re my baby Vera!’ From that day on, she gave me make-up kits, bags, clothes and took me to the department store ‘Isetan’ to try things on.
“My ‘father’ cried when I told him about my life and said ‘let’s be a family now.’ I’m going to help you do what you couldn’t do before. That is when all the barriers that had existed up until then collapsed. It was then that I decided to open myself up completely. They are like a real family to me, they threw me a birthday party, and when they found out that I had never been to Disneyland they secretly arranged tickets without me knowing.”
私は言われた通り、久しぶりにお酒も飲まず家でゆっくりしていた。マザーの名前「Victoria」の頭文字“V”から始まって、覚えやすいリズムの名前を探してた。そこで私が持ってたのはココナツオイルとアロエベラ。そのアロエベラをしまおうとた時、「Vera(ヴェラ)良いじゃん!」と思ったの。次の日、マザーと会って新しい名前を伝えると「OK! You’re my baby,Vera! (わかった!今日から私のベイビーよ、Vera!)」と言ってくれたの。その日からマザーの使っていたメイク道具やメイクアップカバン、服をもらったり、伊勢丹に連れて行ってくれて「これ着てみて?このメイク使ってみて?」と提案してくれたり。ファザーは、私の人生のことを話すと一緒に泣いてくれて、「これから家族になろう。あなたが今までできなかったことを私が叶えるから」と言ってくれたの。そこで今までにあった壁が全部崩れた。そして自分の全てを開こうと思った。2人は私のバースデーパーティーを開いてくれたり、ディズニーに行ったことがないことを伝えると、知らない間にチケットを用意してくれてたり、本当の家族のような存在。
“My mother helps me a lot, not only in day-to-day life but also during performances. Whenever I look for a new outfit, she looks at websites and says ‘What do you think of this?’. If there is a dress that she likes, then she will buy it as a surprise. Then there is my father, who makes the outfits and helps with my makeup. Mother gives good advice and has ideas; Father is the one who gives it shape. The Strondh family is a great combination.”
“And the most impressive part is the show itself. They always take videos of me right in front of the stage. One time I was dancing to Rihanna's 'We Found Love’ during a show at ageHa, and I made eye contact with my father during the ‘what it takes to come alive’ part of the song. It made me smile, while dancing, and I cried a little.”
日々の生活だけでなく、パフォーマンスの時もたくさん手を貸してくれる。衣装を注文する時はいつもマザーと一緒に服のサイトを見て、「これどう?」と聞いて、新しいアイデアを提案してくれる。好きなドレスがあると、サプライズで買ってくれたこともある。そして衣装を作ってくれたり、メイクを手伝ってくれるのはファザー。マザーはアドバイスが的確でアイデアがある。それを形にするのがファザー。そして、私が2人の間から出来上がったものを魅せる。Strondhファミリーはすごく良いコンビだよね!そして何よりも感動するのがショー本番。絶対に2人は、ステージの目の前で動画を撮ってくれるの。以前AgeHaのショーに出演した時、Rihannaの『We Found Love』で踊ったんだけど、“what it takes come alive(生きて帰るのに必要な場所)”という歌詞の部分で、ファザーと目を合わせたんだよね。踊りながら笑顔になれたけど、少し涙が出ちゃった。
“I prefer low, dark beats compared to trendy songs.”
Femininity expressed through oneself
“In my case, I tend to use songs by Rhianna, Tinashe, Cardi B, and Doja Cat before they become popular. I prefer low, dark beats compared to trendy songs. For me it’s easier to choreograph, because it's a song I like, and it’s easier for the audience to understand my performance. If I use a popular song, then maybe it will get a good reaction from the audience; however the audience already knows the song, so there are no real surprises. In that sense, maybe Vera’s style has never been done before! When most people hear the term ‘drag queen’ they might think of someone who performs in heels and long dresses; indeed the first drag queens were born in the gay scene to express themselves as women. But I believe that there is no limit to expression, because ‘drag is drag’.”
私の場合はRhianna、Tinashe、Cardi B、流行る前のDoja Catの曲を使うことが多いかも。流行りの曲よりも、低音で暗めのビートが好き。好きな曲だからこそ振り付けしやすいし、自分のパフォーマンスがお客さんに伝わりやすいの。流行りの曲を使えば、みんなからのウケはいいかもしれない。けど、その時期のショーでしか使えないし、お客さんは曲を知ってるから展開がわかっちゃうんだよね。そういう意味では、Veraのスタイルは今までにないのかもしれない!多くの人が「ドラァグクイーン」と聞くと、ヒールやロングドレスを身に纏ってパフォーマンスする人だと思うかもしれない。確かに、みんなの思う女性を自分で表現するというのが、ゲイシーンで誕生した最初のドラァグクイーン。だけど、その定義に従うとすれば、私にとっての強い女性は長いスカートを履いたり、身長を高く見せる必要はないと思ってる。ショートパンツにスニーカー、ポニーテールだけでも十分なの。Drag is Dragだから、表現にリミットはないと信じてる。
Behind the scenes at VITA
“I have danced at several events called ‘VITA’ in the past, and thankfully I was asked to do it again this time. I came up with the idea to do a theme centered around Britney Spears this time, after I heard the big news that Britney had finally gained freedom from the control of her father who controlled the money that she made over her 13-year career as an artist.
“Of course, the costumes were the uniforms that Britney wore when she first became popular. When I plan these performances, I listen to random songs on my earphones and imagine the five of us dancing together. It sometimes can be difficult because even if I find a good song, it might not feel right when I imagine the five of us as a whole. At 2 a.m., I just play a song, and try to match the choreography to the overall vibe and image, then I play a different song and repeat…I repeat this process until the image feels complete. This entire process hopefully will only take three days.
“I felt that although Britney has become an integral part of the gay scene, her songs are rarely used at gay events in Tokyo, so I decided to make a mix only with her most popular songs.”
過去に『VITA』というゲイイベントで何度か踊らせてもらっていて、今回も有難いことにお声かけしていただいたの。VITAのテーマが桜の季節に合わせてBloom(花が咲く)だったから、もともと考えていたパフォーマンスは花魁と忍者。けど、もっと良い案を思いついて、今回はBritney Spears縛りでいくことにした。13年間、Britneyは自分のアーティスト活動で稼いだお金を父親から管理されていて、最近やっと父親からの支配に解放されたというビッグニュースを聞いた時、VITAのテーマでもある「花が咲く」は、今年からやっと自由になって人生が生き返ったBritneyにすごく合ってると思った。Britneyはゲイシーンでは欠かせない存在となっているけど、東京のゲイイベントで曲が使われていることは少ないと感じて、あえて人気の曲だけをミックスすることにした。もちろん衣装は、最初にBritneyが人気になった時の制服でね。こういったパフォーマンスのことを考える時は、イヤホンでランダムに曲を聴きながら、5人で踊る時のことを想像してる。良い曲が見つかっても、5人全体をイメージするとしっくりこないこともあるから難しい。深夜2時にひたすら曲を流して、その場でテキトーに考えた振りを全体像に合わせて、また違う曲を流して......。そんなことを繰り返しながらイメージが完成していくの。この作業は、上手く行けば3日で完了するかな。
“On the day of the performance, I get extremely nervous right before the performance, even though my personality completely changes and I become strong when I put on my makeup and costume. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so if I don't do the show the way I want to, I regret it. Lately, I have been dancing with four dancers, so it would be lame if I made a mistake. Recently, I have been asked, ‘Aren't you under pressure to be a drag queen at the age of 21, when there are so many senior drag queens?’ But I don't feel much pressure. In Japan, there is a culture of seniors and juniors in the drag culture, and I think there are times when it must be observed. I think it is all right as long as I don't distort things.”