LU YANG: Art from the Digital Depths
Tokyo-based digital artist Lu Yang has manifested a spiritual and comical universe filled with sprawling neon gods, humorous self-referential avatars as well as Buddhist iconography littering tumultuous video-game spaces. Taking advantage of all the latest technology at their disposal and fusing them with their love for Japanese culture, gyaru style and comic books, Yang has created a body of work that is pulsating with energy and creativity.
While the idea that artists create their own universes often gets bandied around in media, glorifying them beyond their achievements, to say that Yang has accomplished such a feat wouldn’t be an overstatement in the slightest.
GATA recently took the chance to meet the artist and dive deeper into the mind of this unique talent. A mind that seems intent on fusing the lines between the real world and the digital one. A world of spiritual reincarnation through digital representation.
GATA: Hello Lu Yang, can you please introduce yourself to the GATA team?
Lu Yang: Hi, I’m Lu Yang, an artist who recently moved to Tokyo.
GATA: What piqued your interest in art and how did you begin your career?
Lu Yang: I've always loved drawing and making comics since I was a kid, and I like to immerse myself in creating my own world, but I never thought about becoming an artist. I did some work in college and had a gallery sign me up and it turned into a career but it was all just chance and coincidence.
GATA: What drew you to using metaphysical art as your main medium?
Lu Yang: I really like the core of everything, all the mediums that encase my work are just packaging, I like to package my work to attract more people into the world I create, and when people look at my work through these packages they really get into the metaphysical part of the core of all the work. I am very fond of Buddhism, philosophy, and all kinds of wisdom that help me understand the world. I will incorporate my thoughts about the world into my work.
“I’m a creator, I just do whatever I want to do.”
Delusional Crime and Punishment Wheel, 2019 (Copyright © Lu Yang)
The Great Adventure of Material World , 2019. (Copyright © Lu Yang)
GATA: Your work often portrays topics concerning living organisms, death, and disease as well as religious matters, why are you drawn to such topics? Do you consider yourself to be a religious person?
Lu Yang: I don't know why I'm so fascinated by these things, it's very much like the Buddhist way of contemplation, "Impermanence", "Impurity", "White Bone", etc. I think the process of making my work is my own way of an "impermanence view" and "impurity view" because making artwork is the most immersive thing in my life. I think of myself as a seeker, but in the process of searching, the Buddha's teachings have given me a lot of answers, so I've been very inspired and influenced and in understanding the spiritual wisdom of different wise and holy people, I can find a lot of common parts in them.
Lu Yang: The Great Adventure of Material World (Copyright © Lu Yang, 2021)
GATA: What do you hope people who experience your work feel or take from it?
Lu Yang: I don't really think about the audience's reaction to my work and I don't expect their feedback—the opinion of others is uncontrollable—but I believe in the principle of sympathetic resonance; hearts with the same frequency will always resonate.
“I think the process of making works is my own way of “impermanence” and “impurity” because making art is the most immersive thing in my life. ”
GATA: As we discussed before you often delve into the deep themes of religion and science, but these are often contrasted with elements of kawaii culture. We heard that you're a fan of Japanese culture. Is the presentation of this contrast your way of expressing your interest in this culture?
Lu Yang: The way I do my work is like making packages for the core parts, and attracting people who don't care about those core parts to come in through the packages. So I'll use the means of expression that I really like to do these packages, and I'll be more involved and have more fun doing them because of my own passion. I've been reading manga since I was a kid, and I've got some deep content from a lot of manga, so it's the same thing with kawaii or pop culture, it's just a means to an end, a surface, and a package.
GATA: We read that growing up you often spent more time customizing your game characters do you think this was a sign for your future of becoming a creator?
Lu Yang: Yes, all my works in the last few years have been made using game engines, and I feel the joy of creating my own worlds in the process of making games. Indeed, I prefer creating my own game worlds to playing games, and game character settings, worldview settings, etc. are all part of the fun.
The worldview can be better conveyed and expressed through character creation. And since I was a child, my love and familiarity with all kinds of characters have made me very accustomed to creating in this way.

Lu Yang: Doku, The 1975, Playing on my mind (Copyright © Lu Yang, 2020)
GATA: Of everything you do and create, what's the thing you enjoy the most?
Lu Yang: I'm very immersed in conceptualising my work, and I like to go to the seaside to meditate and sit alone, so one of the advantages of moving to Tokyo is that I can easily go to the seaside. I like the cliffs by the sea, and when I sit alone and conceptualise my own universe, it's like connecting to a higher universe and resonating with the universe, which is an unparalleled joy.
GATA: At GATA we believe that cinema has been one of the main sources of inspiration for many artists; are there any movies that have inspired your work?
Lu Yang: I feel okay about films, I casually watch a little, but I’m not obsessed with the medium, I more enjoy reading books than watching films. About the films I like, I very much like sci-fi, especially Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar.
Lu Yang: Human Machine Reverse Motion Capture Project (Copyright © Lu Yang, 2019)